GRACEducators is an Abingdon area, Washington county Virginia, Christian homeschool support group. We are a decidedly Christian group of families that seeks to encourage and support one another in the calling to homeschool our children in a Christ-centered environment. We do this through a communication community (email loop) and meetings of various types from support to social.
As a busy homeschool parent, you may be hesitant to add ONE more thing to your plate. Let us encourage you that GRACE membership is a worthy and manageable piece to add. This is a little to no commitment group and there is no cost to be a part of the group. You can be as involved or uninvolved as you like. There are no committees, outside the leadership team. You can go to one meeting a year or even no meetings in a year. You can go to all of meetings and plan some events. It is really up to your family's schedule. Your family's needs come first. The beauty of signing up for this support group is that you can join our communication community email loop, which serves over 200 families in the area. You can ask questions, find out about local events, organize a field trip and learn about homeschool sports. We seek to be the umbrella group for Christian homeschoolers in this area to communicate with and support each other. To join, please see our statement of faith page to complete the forms.
Our group is diverse. There is most likely someone like you in this group - big family, small family, co-op members, non co-op members, someone who is worn out, someone who is excited, someone new to homeschooling, someone who has been doing this for a long, long time, extroverts, introverts, farmers, city folk, rich, and poor. GRACE does not uphold a particular way to homeschool, other than to be God-honoring. We are a varied group, held together by the bonds of Christ.
GRACE began in the summer of 2002 when a group of homeschooling families began to meet regularly for the purpose of helping one another and those new to homeschooling in the Abingdon area. Over the summer of 2003, a committee of ladies met to select an official name and to draft a Charter Statement and Statement of Faith. As a Christian group, we have officially chosen the name GRACEducators, or GRACEd for short. The acronym stands for Growing Righteously Abingdon Christian Educators. Scripture is our ultimate authority for making decisions. All families desiring membership must be in agreement with and sign the Statement of Faith. Members must also sign and be willing to follow the Guidelines for GRACEducators Email.
Contact us: graceducators@gmail.com