GRACEducators hosts a variety of different support/social meetings, not on a regular schedule. The details of these meetings are shared via the email group. We have had encouraging/informative daytime and evening speakers, gym games for children, picnics and family potlucks. If we have childcare, you are always welcome to keep your children with you, if that suits your situation better. The children/teens are also welcome to sit on the sidelines, if they'd rather. If we take any donations for an event, we don't want that to keep anyone from attending if it be a financial hardship. We understand the sacrifices you are making to homeschool your family.
Besides leadership planned events, member organized events and field trips and events are welcome. If you have an idea, just send out an invitation via the email group. We have had barn dances, field trips, special classes, graduations, proms, book sales and more. The ability to communicate and invite the whole GRACEd group is where the groups.io email format shines.
If you have any questions, please ask.